The Governing Body of the City of Inman, Kansas, establishes the following rules and regulations for the use of the City of Inman, recreation area commonly known as the Country Park located approximately one-mile northeast of said City:

(a)   CURFEW. The Park shall be closed from 12:00 midnight to 7:00 a. m. daily.

(b)   FIRES. All fires shall be in the grills and fire receptacles only.

(c)   LITTERING. Users shall leave the area clean. Littering of trash and other items is prohibited.

(d)   TRASH BARRELS. Trash barrels shall be used by park visitors only.

(e)   FIREARMS. The use of firearms, hunting, target practice, and archery is prohibited.

(f)    ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES. The use of alcoholic beverages is prohibited except as specified in Section 3-104(b).

(g)   VEHICLES. Motorized vehicles shall not be driven in the picnic area, and shall travel on roads, trails, or other designated areas. Vehicles must be operated in a safe manner. The speed limit of 20 miles per hour shall apply on all roadways of the park.

(h)   DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY The cutting of trees, shrubbery, damage to grass turf, or other destruction of public property is prohibited.

(i)    OVERNIGHT PERMITS. Permits for overnight stay shall be obtained from the police department.

(j)    OTHER PERMITS. Permits for special events to be held in the park must be approved in advance by the City Council.

Any person violating any of the provisions of this article shall, upon conviction thereof, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not less than $25.00 nor more than $500.00, plus restitution for damage to the property of the City.

(Ord. 304; Code 2014)