(a) The City hereby amends the rebate program dates from April 1, 2025 to March 31, 2028, subject to certain limitations, conditions and restrictions as hereinafter described.
(b) Eligibility to Apply for Program. Homebuilders or Homeowners may apply for rebates on newly constructed single-family or multi-family, owner-occupied homes or new rental properties, together with the underlying land and appurtenances, purchased on or after April 1, 2025, if the property, and the applicant(s), satisfy the eligibility criteria listed in the current code and have received no monies from the City from the Moderate Income Housing Program;
(c) Applications and Application Period. Application for participation in the program shall be made on forms to be provided by City staff, and applications will be received from April 1, 2025 through March 31, 2028.
(d) Rebates. Once an Application is approved for an eligible property, and the owner(s) have entered into the Program Agreement with the City, the City, subject to the limitations and restrictions of the Kansas Cash Basis and Budget Laws and the further conditions, limitations and restrictions referenced in subsection (e) below, will issue a rebate payment to the property owner(s) on or about July 1 of each year, continuing for a period of three (3) years (the “Rebate Period”), which payment shall be in the amount of the City share (as determined by the McPherson County Treasurer) of general ad valorem property taxes which the applicant owner(s) actually paid or caused to be paid on the property the preceding December and May.
(e) Early Termination of the Rebate Period. The Rebate Period shall be terminated early, and a property removed from further participation in the program, with no payments to be made by the City thereafter, in the event that the owners of the property; (1) sell or cease to occupy the property as a residence; (2) fail to make (or cause to be made) timely payment of all special assessment obligations and general taxes relating to the property, as and when the same are due; (3) appeal the valuation of the property or seek refund of any tax for which rebate payments have been made; or, (4) fail to comply with any other obligation or condition of the Program Agreement. Provided, however, that property will not be removed from participating due to events described in subsections (e)(2) or (e)(4) unless the property owner fails to cure a delinquent payment or other event noncompliance with the Program Agreement for a period of thirty (30) days following written notice mailed by the City.
(f) Authorization of Program Agreement. The City Clerk is authorized and directed to develop a form of Program Agreement consistent with the requirements, conditions, limitations and restrictions of this section, and is hereby authorized to execute and deliver such Program Agreements with home owners whose applications have been approved, on behalf of the City.
(g) Further Authority. The City shall, and the officers, agents and employees of the City are hereby authorized and directed to take such further actions as may be from time to time necessary for administration of the program and to carry out and give effect to the transactions contemplated by this section.
(Ord. 502; Code 2014; Ord. 519; Ord. 541; Ord. 555; Ord. 578; Ord. 600)
The Governing Body of the City of Inman, Kansas, being responsible for the fiscal responsibility of the city and its library building, hereby increases the mill levy from the current maximum of 3 mills on each dollar of assessed tangible valuation of said city to a maximum of 4.5 mills. Such levy limit for library purposes, including employee benefits for library employees, as herein established, shall be subject to review and modification each budget year by said Governing Body.
(Ord. 558)