A.    Off-street parking and loading as required by Article 5.

B.    Accessory and temporary uses and home occupations as permitted by Article 6.

C.    Signs as permitted by Article 7.

This district is designed for a medium density mixture of dwelling types and to allow certain public facilities. It is intended that no uses be permitted in this district that will tend to interfere with the health, safety, order or general welfare of persons residing in the district or to devaluate property for residential purposes. Regulations are intended to control density of population and to provide adequate open space around buildings and structures to accomplish these purposes.

A.    Permitted Uses.

1.     Single-family detached dwellings, modular homes, residential design manufactured homes and group homes as defined in Section 2-102.

2.     Churches, chapels, temples and synagogues.

3.     Golf courses, including accessory club houses, but not driving ranges and miniature golf courses operated for commercial purposes.

4.     Public and private schools: educational buildings for primary, intermediate and secondary schools including administrative centers, transportation centers, recreation areas, spectator sports facilities and the like. All such uses must be located on land which is platted according to the City Subdivision Regulations.

B.    Special Uses.

1.     Public buildings erected or land used by any agency of the City, County or State government.

2.     Cemeteries, private or public.

3.     Racetracks.

4.     Utility substations, pumping stations and water towers, publicly and privately owned. (See Section 3-103G for lot size and bulk regulations.)

C.    Conditional Uses.

1.     Two family dwellings.

2.     Adult and child care centers and preschools.

3.     Bed and breakfast homes.

4.     Earth sheltered dwellings, provided that the design is compatible with adjacent properties including such items as drainage, parking and accessory structures.

5.     Swimming, tennis, racquetball and similar recreational club activities and related clubhouses.

6.     Truck/Semi-tractor parking spaces for such vehicles which are owned or driven by a household member of a single-family dwelling and exceed an empty weight of 12,000 pounds, or are over 18 feet in length, or have a height of more than eight feet. Such vehicles must be parked on the residential lot at an appropriate location and on a surface as established by conditions attached to the conditional use when granted.

D.    Lot Size Requirements.

1.     Minimum lot area:

a.     Dwellings permitted by Section 4-101A1: 7,500 square feet.

b.    Two-family dwellings: 12,500 square feet.

c.     All other permitted uses: 10,000 square feet.

2.     Minimum lot width:

a.     Dwellings permitted by Section 4-101A1: 70 feet.

b.    Two-family dwellings: 90 feet.

c.     All other permitted uses: 90 feet.

3.     Minimum lot depth: 100 feet.

E.    Bulk Regulations.

1.     Maximum structure height: 35 feet.

2.     Yard requirements:

a.     Minimum front yard: 25 feet on all sides abutting a street, except that on a corner lot, one of the front yards as determined by the Zoning Administrator may be reduced to 15 feet; provided, that a driveway must maintain a length of at least 18 feet from the front lot line.

b.    Minimum side yard:

(1)   Residential buildings: A minimum of at least 6 feet on both sides.

(2)   All other permitted uses: 10 feet.

c.     Minimum rear yard: 25 feet.

3.     Maximum lot coverage: 35 percent.

F.    Use limitations.

1.     No outdoor storage shall be permitted as defined by Section 2-102.

This district is intended to permit various types of low density multiple dwelling units with compatible home occupations, community facilities and certain special uses, yet retain a basic residential quality. The district is not intended generally for single family type uses except as incidental to the area. Offices, as special uses, are intended to be near the business or industrial districts and to serve as a buffer for residential areas.

A.    Permitted Uses.

1.     Any permitted uses allowed in the R-1 Residential District.

2.     Two family and multiple family dwellings.

3.     Adult and childcare centers and preschools.

4.     Boarding or rooming houses.

B.    Special Uses.

1.     Any special uses that may be allowed in the R-1 Residential District.

2.     Business and professional offices.

3.     Funeral homes and mortuaries.

4.     Hospitals and medical, dental and health clinics.

5.     Multiple dwelling units for the elderly and handicapped whereby density and parking requirements may be varied from the standards otherwise required by these regulations.

6.     Nursing and convalescent homes, retirement centers and assisted living facilities.

7.     Rehabilitation homes and residential centers.

C.    Conditional Uses.

1.     Any conditional uses allowed in the R l Residential District not otherwise having been designated as permitted uses, but not earth sheltered dwellings.

2.     Bed and breakfast homes or inns.

D.    Lot Size Requirements.

1.     Minimum lot area:

a.     Dwellings permitted by Section 4-102A1: 6,800 square feet.

b.    Two family dwellings: 9,800 square feet.

c.     Multiple family attached dwelling units: 3,000 square feet per dwelling unit, but no zoning lot shall be less than 10,000 square feet.

d.    All other permitted uses: 10,000 square feet.

2.     Minimum lot width:

a.     Dwellings permitted by Section 4-102A1: 50 feet.

b.    Two family dwellings: 70 feet.

c.     Multiple family dwellings: 90 feet.

d.    All other permitted uses: 90 feet.

3.     Minimum lot depth: 100 feet.

E.    Bulk Regulations.

1.     Maximum structure height: 35 feet.

2.     Yard requirements:

a.     Minimum front yard: 20 feet on all sides abutting a street.

b.    Minimum side yard:

(1)   Dwellings permitted by Section 4-102A1: 5 feet.

(2)   Single family attached and two family dwellings: 5 feet on each side, except for the common lot line of an attached dwelling.* (See Section 2-102 for definition of a DWELLING, ATTACHED.)

(3)   Multiple family dwellings: 5 feet.

(4)   All other permitted uses:  15 feet.

c.     Minimum rear yard: 25 feet.

3.     Maximum lot coverage: 40%.

F.    Use limitations.

1.     No outdoor storage shall be permitted as defined by Section 2-102.

*     See Article 9 in City Subdivision Regulations for Procedures for Approval of Lot Splits.

This district is designed to provide for medium density manufactured home parks where all types of manufactured homes plus RV campers and single-family portable housing structures are located on individually rented lots which have direct access only to a paved public street with public water and sewer.

A.    Permitted Uses.

1.     Manufactured home parks including related facilities for the residents, such as:

a.     Child care centers, preschools and day care homes.

b.    Recreational facilities such as playgrounds, swimming pools, tennis courts, shuffleboards, ball fields, and lakes providing boating and fishing for residents of the park to the exclusion of the general public.

c.     Recreation or community buildings, washrooms, rest rooms, laundry facilities, storm shelters, outdoor storage areas for motor vehicles and recreational vehicles, and offices for the park.

B.    Special Uses. None.

C.    Conditional Uses. None.

D.    Lot Size Requirements for Manufactured Home Parks.

1.     Minimum lot area:

40,000 square feet for park.

3,500 square feet for each home or housing structure.

1,250 square feet for each RV camper.

2.     Minimum lot width:        

35 feet for each home or housing structure.

25 feet for each RV camper.

3.     Minimum lot depth:

100 feet for home or housing structure.

50 feet for each RV camper

E.    Bulk Regulations.

1.     Maximum structure height: 35 feet.

2.     Yard requirements:

a.     Minimum front yard: 25 feet on all sides abutting a street.

b.    Minimum side yard: 10 feet, unless otherwise established by the standards of Section 4-103F

c.     Minimum rear yard: 20 feet, unless otherwise established by the standards of Section 4-103F.

d.    Maximum lot coverage: 40%.

F.    Standards for Manufactured Home Parks. Each manufactured home park shall be designed so as to comply with the following standards:

1.     The park shall be located on a well drained site which is properly graded to insure rapid drainage and freedom from stagnant pools of water.

2.     Each park shall provide rental lots for their respective types of living accommodation. Each such lot shall be clearly defined and delineated on a drawing to scale which shall show all dimensions necessary to determine whether the lot size requirements and bulk regulations have been met as required by these regulations. Each type of living accommodation shall have separately defined areas.

3.     All manufactured home lots shall abut on a public street or an internal driveway of at least 28 foot width leading to a street. Each lot shall provide for at least one on-site graveled parking space.

4.     All electric distribution systems, plumbing systems and telephone service systems to each lot, except outlets and risers, shall be underground. Both 120 and 240 volt outlets shall be provided.

5.     Park owners are encouraged to construct or provide nearby access to a storm shelter for the residents and a park for the recreational use and enjoyment of the occupants.

6.     In all other respects, parks shall comply with all of the applicable ordinances and regulations of the City.

G.    Unused Manufactured Home Park. Whenever a property, zoned for the MH-1 District ceases to be used for such purposes for a period of one year, the Planning Commission may initiate an application to rezone such property to some other district compatible with the neighborhood area.

This district is intended to group the main retail merchandising activities into a concentrated area serving the general shopping needs of the City and its trade area. Related activities which are compatible and strengthen the business area are included.

A.    Permitted Uses.

1.     Animal hospitals limited to the care, treatment, and grooming of dogs, cats and other small animals, where all activities take place within a completely enclosed building.

2.     Auction houses.

3.     Automobile salesrooms, used car lots and service stations.

4.     Business and professional offices and financial institutions.

5.     Bus station and taxicab stands.

6.     Department and variety stores.

7.     Establishments employing not more than five persons in service and construction businesses working on the premises such as plumbing and electrical work, watch and shoe repairing, barber and beauty shops, and fitness centers.

8.     Hotels, motels and theaters.

9.     Dwelling units constructed in conjunction with and above the first floor of business establishments.

10.   Newspaper, publishing and printing firms.

11.   Private and public assembly places, fraternal and service clubs and senior citizen centers.

12.   Public buildings erected or land used by any agency of the City, County or State government.

13.   Restaurants, clubs, taverns and drinking establishments.

14.   Retail businesses.

B.    Special Uses.

1      Commercial amusement and recreational centers, indoor only.

2.     Mortuaries and funeral homes.

3.     Sexually oriented businesses which are not established within 500 feet of a residence, park, church, elementary or secondary school or child care facility as the latter is defined herein. (See Section 2-102 for definition of SEXUALLY ORIENTED BUSINESS.)

4.     Shops employing not more than five persons for manufacturing items which are sold at retail on the premises.

5.     Other special uses not otherwise specifically listed as a permitted, special or conditional use, but which are in keeping with the intent of Section 4-104 and compatible with the uses permitted in Section 4-104A.

C.    Conditional Uses.

1.     Churches, chapels, temples and synagogues.

2.     Garages, repair.

3.     Storage warehouses.

D.    Lot Size Requirements.

1.     Minimum lot area: None required.

2.     Minimum lot width: 25 feet.

3.     Minimum lot depth: 75 feet.

E.    Bulk Regulations.

1.     Maximum structure height: 45 feet.

2.     Yard requirements:

a.     Minimum front yard: None.

b.    Minimum side yard and rear yards: None, but if there is one provided, it shall not be less than five feet.

c.     Minimum rear yard: None, but if there is one provided, it shall not be less than five feet.

3.     Maximum lot coverage: A building, structure, or use may occupy all that portion of the lot not otherwise required for the yard regulations.

F.    Use Limitations.

1.     No new building shall be used for residential purposes. (See Section 8-104 for alteration and expansion of nonconforming residential structures.)

2.     All business, servicing, storage and display of goods; except for the sale of self-service gasoline by convenience stores and the operation of automobile service stations, shall be conducted within completely enclosed structures or screened from public view, unless approved as a conditional use by the Board of Zoning Appeals or as part of an application for a special or conditional use. (See Section 6-101E for temporary outside display and sales area.)

This district is designed to provide for those businesses which draw their customers from motorists on the highway and at the same time serve a local need for retail and service businesses. Such businesses may not generally locate in the Central Business District because of their size and outdoor activities or operate as a home occupation.

A.    Permitted Uses.

1.     Any use permitted in the B-1 Central Business District except dwelling units and public buildings erected or land used by any agency of the City, County or State government.

2.     Business, technical or trade school.

3.     Car washes.

4.     Commercial amusement and recreation centers including bowling, miniature golf, roller skating and amusement rides.

5.     Construction and agricultural equipment sales and services.

6.     Contractor shops including outside storage.

7.     Garden stores.

8.     Gift souvenir shops.

9.     Marine supplies and sales.

10.   Medical, dental and health clinics.

11.   Manufactured or mobile home and recreational vehicle sales and supplies.

12.   Motorcycle sales and services.

13.   Self service laundries or dry cleaning establishments.

14.   Fraternal and service clubs.

15.   YWCA, Boy Scout and other similar groups.

B.    Special Uses.

1.     Public buildings erected or land used by any agency of the City, County or State government.

2.     Animal hospitals, provided that all pens shall be in an enclosed structure when located within 300 feet of a residential district.

3.     Mini storage facilities for inside rental storage.

4.     Utility substations and distribution centers.

5.     Other special uses not otherwise specifically listed as a permitted, special or conditional use, but which are in keeping with the intent of Section 4-105 and compatible with the uses permitted in Section 4-105A.

C.    Conditional Uses.

1.     Drive in establishments.

D.    Lot Size requirements:

1.     Minimum lot area: 10,000 square feet.

2.     Minimum lot width: 75 feet.

3.     Minimum lot depth: 100 feet.

E.    Bulk Regulations.

1.     Maximum structure height: 35 feet.

2.     Yard requirements:

a.     Minimum front yard: 35 feet, except that motor vehicles, manufactured or mobile homes, recreational vehicles and boats stored or displayed in the open shall be located not less than ten feet from the front lot line.

b.    Minimum side yard: None, but if a side yard is provided, it shall not be less than five feet.

c.     Minimum rear yard: None, but if a rear yard is provided, it shall not be less than five feet.

3.     Maximum lot coverage: 50%.

E.    Use Limitations.

1.     No new building shall be used for residential purposes. (See Section 8-104 for alteration and expansion of nonconforming residential structures.)

2.     Outdoor operations, display and storage is permitted which is related activity to the principal use, but not in any required yard. A display area, however, may be approved in a front yard by the Board of Zoning Appeals as a conditional use.

It is the intent of this district to provide for those services which may be needed for the motoring public along access roads at a major interchange area including some limited businesses which particularly attract highway customers from a large trade area as well as a limited number of light industrial uses.

A.    Permitted Uses.

1.     Appliance, carpet and furniture stores.

2.     Automotive parts and accessories stores.

3.     Automobile, and truck service stations, including the dispensing of petroleum fuels and accessories for automobiles and trucks and retail sales of convenience food items.

4.     Automobile, truck, vehicular trailers, motorcycle, recreational vehicle and boat sales, service and rental dealers only.

5.     Department stores.

6.     Food stores for convenience items and the sale of self-service gas.

7.     Gift and antique stores.

8.     Motels, including private clubs, dining and meeting rooms and live entertainment permitted as well as related offices and small shops such as drug stores, gift shops newsstands and barber and beauty shops.

9.     Liquor stores, retail only.

10.   Restaurants, including clubs, taverns and drinking establishments permitting live entertainment and drive-in and carry-out food service.

B.    Special Uses.

1.     Campgrounds. (See Section 2-102 for definition.)

2.     Cartage and freight facilities and depots with no outside storage unless screened from public view.

3.     Light manufacturing plants of limited environmental effect.

4.     Manufactured home retail sales and services.

5.     Other uses not specifically listed as a permitted or a special use if it complies with the intent of Section 4-106, is compatible with the other uses listed and can meet the other requirements of the district.

C.    Conditional Uses.

1.     None.

D.    Lot Size Requirements.

1.     No minimum standard.

E.    Bulk Regulations.

1.     Maximum structure height: 35 feet.

2.     Yard requirements:

a.     Minimum front yard: 35 feet.

b.    Minimum side yard: 20 feet.

c.     Minimum rear yard: 20 feet.

3.     Maximum lot coverage: 40%.

F.    Use limitations.

1.     All business, service, storage and display goods must be located within an enclosed structure; except accessory uses in conjunction with special or conditional uses, outdoor storage and display areas related to sales by dealers of automobiles, trucks, vehicular trailers, motorcycles, recreational vehicles and boats and manufactured homes.

2.     Application may be made to the Board of Zoning Appeals for a conditional use as an exception for the outdoor sale of items which are not related to the primary business on the site, i.e., seasonal farm produce. The BZA shall attach any conditions necessary for the protection of the area and shall ensure the availability of at least the minimum number of require off-street parking spaces for both uses. (See Section 5-101B for required parking spaces.)

3.     Seasonal outdoor sales of gardening equipment, patio furniture, bedding plants, and the like, may be permitted. Temporary structures erected for the purpose need not comply with the applicable front yard requirements, however, they may not be placed in a required vision triangle. Such uses may not reduce the required number of parking spaces for the primary business below the minimum number required per these regulations nor may they impede normal traffic flow to the required parking spaces. (See Section 6-101 for temporary zoning permit.)

This district is designated for light industrial uses which do not require large amounts of land, generate modest amounts of traffic, are consistent with the capacity and availability of public and private services, create limited nuisance effects in the way of odor, smoke, dust, glare, vibration or sounds; and does not encourage the intermixing of residential uses.

A.    Permitted Uses.

1.     Agricultural feed and grain manufacture, storage and sales.

2.     Assembly, manufacture or repair of electrical and mechanical appliances, instruments and the like.

3.     Building material production, storage and sales including manufactured housing and lumberyards.

4.     Clothing and textile manufacture.

5.     Construction and agricultural equipment distribution, repair, storage and sales.

6.     Construction contractor's offices including equipment and storage areas.

7.     Food manufacture, distribution and storage.

8.     Furniture manufacture and repair.

9.     Greenhouses and hydroponic farming, retail and wholesale.

10.   Laundry, dry cleaning and dyeing works.

11.   Manufactured products such as: bags, bicycles, brooms, brushes, cosmetics, drugs, jewelry, paper goods, plastics, shoes, sporting and office equipment and the like.

12.   Motor vehicle sales and storage including recreational vehicles, new and used.

13.   Metal fabrication and assembly.

14.   Printing and publishing companies.

15.   Research laboratories.

16.   Sign shops and service.

17.   Transportation storage, bus and trucking area.

18.   Utility substations and distribution centers.

19.   Vehicle repairs, refinishing and restoration.

20.   Wholesale businesses, storage warehouses and mini storage facilities.

B.    Special Uses.

1.     Public buildings erected or land used by any agency of the City, County or State government.

2.     Asphalt and concrete mixing plants.

3.     Bulk storage for retail or wholesale distribution and not used as an accessory part of a normal manufacturing process of such items as anhydrous ammonia and other products which may be considered as highly explosive, combustible or of a volatile nature.

4.     Recycling processing centers and large recycling collection centers. (See Section 2-102 for definition.)

5.     Salvage yards, when all materials are enclosed within at least a six foot solid fence or wall. (See Section 2-102 for definition.)

6.     Public and private hazardous waste facilities. (See Section 2-102 for definition.)

7.     Other special uses not otherwise specifically listed as a permitted, special or conditional use, but which are in keeping with the intent of Section 4-106 and compatible with the uses permitted in Section 4-106A. Such other uses may also include retail and service businesses which provide a particular direct service to the industrial uses or serve as a convenience to the employees thereof.

C.    Conditional Uses.

1.     Dog kennels, including outside runs.

D.    Lot Size Requirements.

1.     Minimum lot area: 5,000 square feet.

2.     Minimum lot width: 50 feet.

3.     Minimum lot depth: 100 feet.

E.    Bulk Regulations.

1.     Maximum structure height: 35 feet exclusive of grain elevators.

2.     Yard requirements:

a.     Minimum front yard: 25 feet on all sides abutting a street.

b.    Minimum side yard: No minimum requirement, but if a side yard is provided, it shall be not less than 10 feet.

c.     Minimum rear yard: No minimum requirement, but if a rear yard is provided, it shall be not less than 10 feet.

3.     Maximum lot coverage: 75%.

F.    Use Limitations.

1.     No new building shall be used for residential purposes except that a watchman or custodian may reside on the premises inside an industrial use structure or in a manufactured or mobile home.

2.     Outdoor operations, display and storage is permitted which is related activity to the principal use, but not in any required yard. A display area, however, may be approved in a front yard by the Board of Zoning Appeals as a conditional use.

3.     There shall be no emission of dust, noise, odor or vibration which shall be detectable as a nuisance beyond the lot line.

This district is intended for basic or primary medium sized industries which are not otherwise provided for in other districts and which are not considered compatible with residential and/or commercial activity, but could in some limited way be provided for. Care must be taken in determining their location due to the nature and intensity of the potential uses which may create obnoxious or hazardous environmental conditions and overburden the capacity of public services to perform their function. Access to arterial streets and possible rail sidings would be important considerations.

A.    Permitted Uses.

1.     Any permitted uses allowed in the I-1 Light Industrial District.

B.    Uses Not Permitted.

1.     Acid manufacture.

2.     Cement, lime gypsum, or plaster of Paris manufacture.

3.     Creosote or tar treatment.

4.     Distillation of bones.

5.     Explosives manufacture or storage including fireworks.

6.     Fat rendering.

7.     Fertilizer manufacture.

8.     Garbage, offal or dead animal incineration or reduction.

9.     Glue or soap manufacture.

10.   Petroleum processing and refining.

11.   Primary smelting of base metals from ore.

12.   Stockyards.

13.   Tanning, curing or storage of rawhides or skins.

C.    Special Uses.

1.     Any special uses that may be allowed in the I-1 Industrial District.

2.     Public buildings erected or land used by any agency of the City, County or State government.

3.     Other special uses not otherwise specifically listed as a permitted, special or conditional use, but which are in keeping with the intent of Section 4-107 and compatible with the uses permitted in Section 4-107A. Such other uses may also include retail and service businesses which provide a particular direct service to the industrial uses or serve as a convenience to the employees thereof.

D.    Conditional Uses.

1.     Dog kennels, including outside runs.

E.    Lot Size Requirements.

1.     Minimum lot area: 10,000 square feet.

2.     Minimum lot width: 50 feet.

3.     Minimum lot depth: 100 feet.

 F.   Bulk Regulations.

1.     Maximum structure height: 45 feet, exclusive of grain elevators.

2.     Yard requirements:

a.     Minimum front yard: 25 feet on all sides abutting a street.       Sleep, 1000

b.    Minimum side yard: No minimum requirement, but if a side yard is provided, it shall be not less than 10 feet.

c.     Minimum rear yard: No minimum requirement, but if a rear yard is provided, it shall be not less than 20 feet.

3.     Maximum lot coverage: 60%.

G.    Use Limitations.

1.     No new building shall be used for residential purposes except that a watchman or custodian may reside on the premises inside an industrial use structure or in a manufactured or mobile home.

2.     Outdoor operations, display and storage is permitted which is related activity to the principal use, but not in any required yard. A display area, however, may be approved in a front yard by the Board of Zoning Appeals as a conditional use.

This district may be applied as an over-lay district in combination with any underlying zoning district. By limiting specific uses or requiring more restrictive development standards to individual projects or specific properties, this district is intended to:

(1)   ensure compatibility among incompatible or potentially incompatible land uses;

(2)   ease the transition from one zoning district to another;

(3)   address sites or land uses with special requirements; and

(4)   guide development of unusual situations or unique circumstances.

Development standards include, but are not limited to, lot sizes, bulk requirements, use limitations, off street parking and loading provisions, accessory structures and uses, sign standards, miscellaneous requirements of Section 3-103 and screening and landscape requirements of Section 3-104.

A.    Use and Development Standards. This district can be used to modify and restrict the use and development standards of an underlying zoning district. All requirements of this district are in addition to and supplement all other applicable standards and requirements of these regulations. Restrictions and conditions imposed by this district shall be limited to the following:

1.     Prohibiting otherwise permitted or special or conditional uses and accessory uses; or making an otherwise permitted use a special or conditional use;

2.     Decreasing the number or average density of dwelling units that may be constructed on the site;

3.     Increasing minimum lot size or lot width;

4.     Increasing minimum setback requirements in any yard;

5.     Restrictions on access to abutting properties and streets, including specific design features; and

6.     Any other development standards required or authorized by these regulations.

B.    Method of Adoption. Modifications and restrictions imposed through this district are considered part of this zoning text and accompanying map. All property included in the district shall be identified on the Official Zoning Maps by adding the letters “P-O” and a number to the base zoning district symbol. The number shall be assigned when the application is filed and numbers shall run consecutively beginning with number 1. The effectuating ordinance for zoning or rezoning property to the P-O district shall specifically state the modifications or restrictions imposed pursuant to Section 4-106A. Such modifications and restrictions imposed shall be considered part of the text of these regulations and a violation of them shall be a violation of these regulations. The modifications and restrictions shall continue in full force and effect until revised in accordance with the same amendment procedures as for the approval of the original P-O District.

C.    Effect of P-O District Designation. When the P-O District zoning designation is applied in combination with an underlying zoning district, it shall always be considered to result in a more restrictive designation than if the district did not have the P-O classification. In the event that the P-O designation was not originally requested as part of the rezoning application, but is added instead during the public hearing process, renotification and re-advertisement of the requested zoning amendment shall not be required.